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# Hetzner Proxmox VE Single Setup
This repo is about the installation of Proxmox 7.X on Hetzner with pfsense as firewall for WAN, IP floating with additional IP address for the VM's to allow SNAT.
# Hetzner Promox Architecture
<img src="img/proxmox/arch.png" alt="Alt-Text" title="Hetzner Proxmox Architecture" />
## 1. Install Proxmox on Hetzner
ssh root@
Chose the right image:
<img src="img/proxmox/proxmox-0.png" alt="Alt-Text" title="" />
<img src="img/proxmox/proxmox-1.png" alt="Alt-Text" title="" />
Change install config
SWRAIDLEVEL 0 (to use all Storage sda+sdb)
HOSTNAME Proxmox-Ve.localhost
proxmox-single.lab.local (you can call it what ever you want)
PART /boot ext3 512M
PART lvm vg0 all
LV vg0 root / ext3 15G
LV vg0 swap swap swap 6G
PART /boot ext**4** 512M
PART lvm vg0 all
LV vg0 root / ext4 100G
LV vg0 swap swap swap 24G #(available RAM * 1/2)
LV vg0 data /var/lib/vz ext4 3500G #(Remaining memory after deduction of root for storing images and containers)
The installation takes up to 15 minutes.
## 2. Set root password and disable port 111
After installation a password must be assigned to the root user if access to the Hetzner machine is via ssh-key. The access will be done via the Linux PAM authentication module.
New password: xy...
Retype new password:xy...
Proxmox opens port 111 by default, which is a security risk. Therefore, the port must be disabled.
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 111 -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 111 -j DROP
sudo /sbin/iptables-save
Now open the Proxmox-Webconsole with your ordered server IP-Address (MAIN-IP) and login with root and your password:
## 3. Add additional IP-Address and fetch Metadata
To enable routing to external networks (SNAT), you'll need to request an extra IP address, since the primary IP of the Hetzner VM doesn't support this function.
You'll need to request a MAC address for the IP address. This MAC address will be later essential for the pfsense VM that handles routing to the WAN.
## 4. Config Network
Clone this git repository and execute the script:
All necessary information (main server ip, gateway, etc.) can be taken from the hetzner robot page like this:
MAIN-IP + Meta:
<img src="img/hetzner/fetch-meta-0.png" alt="Alt-Text" title="" />
ADD-IP + Meta + MAC:
<img src="img/hetzner/fetch-meta-2.png" alt="Alt-Text" title="" />
## 5. Upload images (pfsense and fedora)
<img src="img/proxmox/proxmox-2.png" alt="Alt-Text" title="" />
## 6. Create VM and install pfsense
<img src="img/pfsense/pfsense-0.png" alt="Alt-Text" title="" />
<img src="img/pfsense/pfsense-1.png" alt="Alt-Text" title="" />
<img src="img/pfsense/pfsense-2.png" alt="Alt-Text" title="" />
<img src="img/pfsense/pfsense-3.png" alt="Alt-Text" title="" />
<img src="img/pfsense/pfsense-4.png" alt="Alt-Text" title="" />
<img src="img/pfsense/pfsense-5.png" alt="Alt-Text" title="" />
<img src="img/pfsense/pfsense-6.png" alt="Alt-Text" title="" />
Now start the pfsense (VM) and install with default settings
## 7. Create VM and install fedora (workstation)
The steps are identical to pfsense except for the choice of bridge. There vmbr1 (DMZ/LAN) must be selected.
<img src="img/fedora/fedora-0.png" alt="Alt-Text" title="" />
<img src="img/fedora/fedora-1.png" alt="Alt-Text" title="" />
If you check the IP-Address from the created VM (in my case fedora workstation) like:
<img src="img/fedora/fedora-2.png" alt="Alt-Text" title="" />
You will see the ADD-IP-Address. So SNAT is working and you can extend to config pfsense over the UI for your purpose.
<img src="img/pfsense/pfsense-7.png" alt="Alt-Text" title="" />
Default credentials are set to **username:** **_admin_** with **password:** **_pfsense_**.
## **Finished, enjoy your Proxmox Environment!**