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# `ddns` - Dynamic DNS
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A self-hosted Dynamic DNS solution similar to DynDNS or NO-IP based on the
[PowerDNS Remote Backend](https://doc.powerdns.com/md/authoritative/backend-remote/).
<img src="screenshot.png" alt="screenshot" width="500"/>
## ⚠️⚠️⚠️ Note regarding hosted version at `ddns.pboehm.de`
The hosted `ddns` service with custom hosts under the `d.pboehm.de` domain (e.g `test.d.pboehm.de`) is not available
anymore! I did not use this service for quite some time and recently there were some issues which resulted in downtime
and expiration of all registered hosts.
### Alternatives
There is at least one other hosted version of `pboehm/ddns` that
[can be found via Google](https://www.google.com/search?q=pboehm%2Fddns+%22DDNS+is+a+project+that+lets+you+host+a+Dynamic+DNS+Service%2C+similar+to+DynDNS%2FNO-IP%2C+on+your+own+servers.%22)
or you can host it yourself as described below.
## How can I update my IP if it changes?
`ddns` is built around a small webservice, so that you can update your IP address simply by calling
an URL periodically through `curl`. Hosts that haven't been updated for 10 days will
be automatically removed. This can be configured in your own instance.
An API similar to DynDNS/NO-IP has not been implemented yet.
## Self-Hosting
### Requirements
* A custom domain where the registrar allows setting `NS` records for subdomains. This is important because not all
DNS providers support this.
* A server with [docker](https://www.docker.com/) and [docker-compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/) installed
* The following ports should be opened in the firewall:
* `53/udp`
* `80/tcp`
* `443/tcp`
### DNS-Setup
For the domain you want to use with `ddns` (`example.net` in the following sections, please adjust this to your domain)
you have to create the following two DNS records:
* `ddns.example.net` as a `CNAME` or `A`/`AAAA` record pointing to the server `ddns` will be running on. This record
will be used for accessing the `ddns` frontend in your browser or via `curl`. It is also the target for the
corresponding `NS` record.
* `d.example.net` as an `NS` record pointing to the previously created `ddns.example.net` record. This will delegate
all subdomains under `d.example.net` to the PowerDNS server running on `ddns.example.net`.
### `ddns`-Setup
The setup is now automated using [docker-compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/) and only some customization has
to be made in a `docker-compose.override.yml` file
(a [sample](./docker/docker-compose.override.yml.sample) is available here).
#### Configuring the Setup
The setup included in this repository contains all the components described above and uses
[caddy](https://caddyserver.com/) as a web server, because it provides automatic HTTPS using Lets Encrypt.
git clone git@github.com:pboehm/ddns.git
cd ddns/docker
cp docker-compose.override.yml.sample docker-compose.override.yml
Please adjust the settings in `docker-compose.override.yml` marked with the `#<<< ....` comments as follows:
* adjust the domain part in lines marked with `# <<< ADJUST DOMAIN` according to your DNS-Setup
* insert your email address in lines marked with `# <<< INSERT EMAIL` which is required for getting certificates
from Lets Encrypt
Finally execute the following `docker-compose` command, which creates 4 containers in detached mode which are also
started automatically after reboot. For updating an existing installation use the same command because it automatically
rebuilds the containers.
docker-compose --project-name ddns up -d --build