{ "version": "2", "templates": [{ "categories": [ "Download", "VPN" ], "description": "A stack of dockers (qBittorent, NZBget, Jackett, NZBhydra2) to use with VPN service to shield your privacy", "env": [{ "default": "1000", "label": "PUID", "name": "PUID" }, { "default": "100", "label": "PGID", "name": "PGID" }, { "default": "002", "label": "UMASK", "name": "UMASK" }, { "label": "TZ", "name": "TZ" }, { "default": "8080", "label": "qBittorrent port", "name": "QBITTORENTPORT" }, { "default": "6789", "label": "NZBget port", "name": "NZBGETPORT" }, { "default": "8118", "label": "Privoxy port", "name": "PRIVOXYPORT", "description": "for use with vpn proxy service" }, { "default": "5076", "label": "NZBhydra2 port", "name": "NZBHYDRA2PORT" }, { "default": "9117", "label": "Jackett port", "name": "JACKETTPORT" }, { "default": "6789, 9117, 5076", "label": "aditional ports", "name": "ADDITIONAL_PORTS", "description": "to pass through the vpn network" }, { "label": "Enable VPN", "name": "VPN_ENABLED", "select": [{ "text": "Yes", "value": "yes", "default": true }, { "text": "No", "value": "no" } ] }, { "label": "VPN Username", "name": "VPN_USER" }, { "label": "VPN password", "name": "VPN_PASS" }, { "label": "VPN provider", "name": "VPN_PROV", "select": [{ "text": "PIA", "value": "pia" }, { "text": "Airvpn", "value": "airvpn" }, { "text": "Custom", "value": "custom", "default": true } ] }, { "label": "VPN client", "name": "VPN_CLIENT", "select": [{ "text": "OpenVPN", "value": "openvpn" }, { "text": "Wireguard", "value": "wireguard", "default": true } ] }, { "label": "Extra VPN options", "name": "VPN_OPTIONS" }, { "label": "Strict port fowarding", "name": "STRICT_PORT_FORWARD", "select": [{ "text": "Yes", "value": "yes" }, { "text": "No", "value": "no", "default": true } ] }, { "label": "Enable Privoxy", "name": "ENABLE_PRIVOXY", "select": [{ "text": "Yes", "value": "yes" }, { "text": "No", "value": "no", "default": true } ] }, { "label": "Local LAN network", "name": "LAN_NETWORK", "description": "lan ipv4 network>/