# Portainer Template for linuxserver.io This will be a rewriten template that will be working with the latest portainer version ### Prerequisites 1. A Server or NAS running Docker 2. A Portainer setup. ### Installing Login to your portainer setup go to settings -> enable Use external templates -> add the url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Qballjos/portainer_templates/master/Template/template.json ## Contributing If you wish to contribute contact me by email. ## Authors * **Jos Visser** - *Initial work* - [Qballjos](https://github.com/Qballjos) See also the list of [contributors](https://github.com/Qballjos/portainer_templates/contributors) who participated in this project. ## Acknowledgments * LinuxServer.io for the old Template * Inspiration being to lazy to create each container template manualy