#!/bin/bash # Function to prompt for input with a default value prompt_input() { local prompt=$1 local default=$2 read -p "$prompt [$default]: " input echo "${input:-$default}" } # Function to create bridge interface text for additional IP create_bridge_text() { local ip=$1 local bridge_id=$2 echo " auto vmbr${bridge_id} iface vmbr${bridge_id} inet static address ${ip} netmask ${NETMASK} bridge_ports none bridge_stp off bridge_fd 0 #LAN${bridge_id}" } # Collect inputs MAINSERVERIP=$(prompt_input "MAIN_SERVER_IP" "") GATEWAYADDRESS=$(prompt_input "MAIN_SERVER_GATEWAY_ADDRESS" "") NETMASK=$(prompt_input "NETMASK" "") BROADCASTIP=$(prompt_input "BROADCASTIP" "") ADD_IP_ADDRESSES=$(prompt_input "ADDITIONAL_IP_ADDRESSES (comma-separated)" "") NETWORK_INTERFACE=$(prompt_input "NETWORK_INTERFACE" "eth0") # Display inputs for confirmation echo "--------------------------" echo "You have entered the following configuration:" echo "MAIN_SERVER_IP: $MAINSERVERIP" echo "MAIN_SERVER_GATEWAY_ADDRESS: $GATEWAYADDRESS" echo "NETMASK: $NETMASK" echo "BROADCASTIP: $BROADCASTIP" echo "ADDITIONAL_IP_ADDRESSES: $ADD_IP_ADDRESSES" echo "NETWORK_INTERFACE: $NETWORK_INTERFACE" echo "--------------------------" read -p "Is this correct? [yes/no]: " confirmation if [[ $confirmation != [Yy]* ]]; then echo "Exiting without changes." exit fi # Split ADD_IP_ADDRESSES into an array IFS=',' read -ra ADDR <<<"$ADD_IP_ADDRESSES" # Initialize the interfaces file content interfaces_content=" ### Hetzner Online GmbH installimage source /etc/network/interfaces.d/* auto lo iface lo inet loopback iface lo inet6 loopback iface ${NETWORK_INTERFACE} inet manual up ip route add -net up ip route add -net ${GATEWAYADDRESS} netmask ${NETMASK} gw ${GATEWAYADDRESS} vmbr0 up sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 up sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.${NETWORK_INTERFACE}.send_redirects=0 up sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1 up ip route add via ${ADDR[0]} dev vmbr0 up ip route add via ${ADDR[0]} dev vmbr0 up ip route add via ${ADDR[0]} dev vmbr0 iface ${NETWORK_INTERFACE} inet6 static address 2a01:4f8:110:5143::2 netmask 64 gateway fe80::1 auto vmbr0 iface vmbr0 inet static address ${MAINSERVERIP} netmask 32 gateway ${GATEWAYADDRESS} broadcast ${BROADCASTIP} bridge-ports ${NETWORK_INTERFACE} bridge-stp off bridge-fd 0 pointopoint ${GATEWAYADDRESS} #WAN " # Append bridge interfaces for each additional IP for i in "${!ADDR[@]}"; do interfaces_content+=$(create_bridge_text "${ADDR[i]}" "$((i + 1))") done # Save the new configuration to a temporary file echo "$interfaces_content" > /tmp/new_interfaces # Display the current network configuration echo "--------------------------" echo "Current network configuration (/etc/network/interfaces):" cat /etc/network/interfaces # Display the new network configuration echo "--------------------------" echo "New network configuration:" cat /tmp/new_interfaces # Show the differences echo "--------------------------" echo "Configuration differences:" diff /etc/network/interfaces /tmp/new_interfaces # Confirm before applying changes echo "--------------------------" read -p "Apply this network configuration? [yes/no]: " apply_conf if [[ $apply_conf == [Yy]* ]]; then mv /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.old mv interfaces /etc/network/interfaces echo "The network can be restarted with the following command: /etc/init.d/networking restart" else echo "Exiting without applying changes." fi