ddns ==== A self-hosted Dynamic DNS solution similar to DynDNS or NO-IP. You can use a hosted version at [ddns.pboehm.org](http://ddns.pboehm.org/) where you can register a host under the `d.pboehm.de` domain (e.g `test.d.pboehm.de`). ## How can I update my IP if it changes? `ddns` is built around a small webservice, so that you can update your IP address, simply by calling an URL periodically through `curl` (using `cron`). Hosts that haven't been updated for 10 days will be automatically removed. This can be configured in your own instance. An API similar to DynDNS/NO-IP hasn't been implemented yet. ## Self-Hosting ### Requirements * A custom domain where the registrar allows NS-Records for subdomains * A global accessible Server running an OS which is supported by the tools listed below * A running [Redis](http://redis.io) instance for data storage * An installation of [PowerDNS](https://www.powerdns.com/) with the Pipe-Backend included * [Go](http://golang.org/) 1.3 ### Installation The following instructions are valid for Ubuntu/Debian. Some files/packages could have other names/locations, please search for it. You should have a working Go environment (correct `$GOPATH`). $ go version # check that you have go 1.3 installed go version go1.3 linux/amd64 Then install `ddns` via: $ go get github.com/pboehm/ddns $ ls $GOPATH/bin/ddns # the displayed path will be used later /home/user/gocode/bin/ddns #### Backend Install `pdns` and `redis-server`: $ sudo apt-get install redis-server pdns-server pdns-backend-pipe Both services should start at boot automatically. You should open `udp/53` and `tcp/53` on your Firewall so that `pdns` can be be used from outside of your host. $ sudo vim /etc/powerdns/pdns.d/pipe.conf `pipe.conf` should have the following content. Please adjust the path of `ddns` and the supplied domain name `--domain=sub.example.com`: launch=pipe pipebackend-abi-version=1 pipe-command=/home/user/gocode/bin/ddns --domain=sub.example.com backend Then restart `pdns`: $ sudo service pdns restart #### Frontend `ddns` includes a webservice which is used for creating new hosts and updating ip addresses. I prefer using `nginx` as a reverse proxy and not running `ddns` on port 80. As a process manager, I prefer using `supervisord` so it is described here. $ sudo apt-get install nginx supervisor Create a supervisor config file for ddns: $ sudo vim /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ddns.conf $ cat /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ddns.conf [program:ddns] directory = /tmp/ user = user command = /home/user/gocode/bin/ddns --domain=sub.example.com web autostart = True autorestart = True redirect_stderr = True Restart the `supervisor` daemon and `ddns` listens on Port 8080 (can be changed by adding `--listen=:1234`). $ sudo service supervisor restart Now you have to add a nginx virtual host for `ddns`: $ sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default $ cat /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default server { listen 80; server_name ddns.example.com; location / { proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-for $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_connect_timeout 300; } } Please adjust the `server_name` with a valid FQDN. Now we only have to restart `nginx`: $ sudo service nginx restart